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Karantina play garden

Karantina Play garden :
A space for encounters

Beirut's first public play garden.

Karantina play garden wins the award for the public space category during the Lebanese Architecture Awards , held in February 2017. The new design is one of the first public play gardens for kids in Beirut. It transformed a previously abandoned space with large lush trees into a reconciliation garden between past and present, enabling encounters between different communities, cultures and generations.


Karantina Play Garden credits

Project: Karantina play garden: grounds for encounters

Category: Public spaces- Award winning design at the Lebanese Architecture Awards 2017

Landscape architects: Zeina Kronfol & Pamela Haydamous 

Curation & Supervision: Greener.ontheotherside

Approach: open, collaborative and community engaging

Client and funder:Universite Saint Joseph
Land owner: Beirut Municipality
Contractor: Bet A Bat

Landscape Contractor: Oliver Webhe,  Nature Lab

Completed: December, 2016.
Location:Karantina, al-mudawwar district, north-east of Beirut.

Official garden name: PatriarcheBoulos el-Meouchy garden


Greenstudios (production of drawings)

RodolpheMatar (Structural) 

RabihNahas (MEP)

Watermaster (water feature)

DIB (lighting)

ASSABIL (library)


Organizers of the open call for artists: TandemWorks
Winners of the design development and execution of the play items under the bridge: CatalyticAction

Community engagement workshops: CatalyticAction in collaboration with the Chain effect, Recycle lebanon and Urban pins.

The jury competition members: Rachid Achkar, Adib Dada, Mona Hallak, Ayssar Arida, Rula Hajj-Ismail and Rana Samara Jubeily

Illustration: Reem Sawma  

Photography: Salim Batlouni

Our passionate supporter: Assadour Attar & the community members of Karantina

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